如果查阅一本英汉或汉英的词典,我们会发现许多词的意思并不是一对一的关系。英语一词多义、一义多词是十分普遍的。因而在商务信函汉译英时, 我们可以充分利用英语词汇这一特点,灵活选择英语词语来表达汉语意义。
1. 一词多义
例1 现另邮给你方最新的价目单和剪样。
译文:We are now airmailing you under separate cover our latest price list and cutting sample.
例2 望你方能早日装运我方第2213号定单项下的10箱茶叶为宜。
译文:Please ship the ten chests of tea covered by our Order No. 2213 at an early date.
例3 3356号订单下的货物已投保了一切险。
译文:The goods under our Order No. 3356 are covered against All Risks.
例4 秋季展览会展出面积为5,000平方米。
译文:This autumn exhibition covers an area of 5000 square meters.
例5 三天后,开证行将在通知书上告知受益人有关信用证的开证情况。
译文:The initiating bank will inform the beneficiary of the relative L/C in the covering letter three days later.
2. —义多词
例6 我们的报价已是最低价,折扣不能再给了。
译文: As we have quoted you our rock-bottom price, we can't grant you an discount.
例7 请报永久牌自行车最低价。
译文:Please make us your lowest quotation for "Forever" brand bicycle.
例8 你们将会看出我们这批货物的价格是最低的。
译文:You will find our prices for these goods on tbe lowest side.
例9 如果有兴趣与我方做生意,请报最低价。
译文:If you feel interested in doing business with us, please quote us your best price.
例10 我们已接最低价向你方报盘。
译文:We have made you an offer at the most competitive price.
译文:Should you offer us at the most favorable price, we'll consider placing large orders with you.
上述6句中文中都有“最低价”一词,但在翻译具体句子时,应灵活处理 cheapest 一词,cheapest虽也有“最低价”的意思,但一般不用于商务信函的报价,因为此词常含有贬义,表示“廉价质低”的意思,应引起注意。